Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Role Model

We can make the world a better place by just doing something small. You don't have to start with the whole world, but maybe your school or your house. Matt Harding was on a backpacking trip and recorded a video of himself dancing funny. Soon the video spread and millions of people had watched it. He was offered a sponsership and people wanted to join in his dancing videos. People had smiles on their faces and were happy. They are getting connected. Just doing a silly dance is bringing people together. People who are different or who are shy. This is bringing them together like a family. They dance with him in rain, shine, or anything. They want to show there differences to the world. They want to be seen and heard and so does Matt. He loves seeing the happy and joyful faces on all the kids and adults. Matt has seen the differences and similarities every person has. He has witnessed different personalities and different cultures. He is spreading his ideas around while they then spread theres. He is now on a television commercial that has him dancing with people from different cultures. He has been a Role Model for everyone and he has taken that one step to make the world Peaceful.

I chose this photo because we all need a Role Model. Matt has been one to everyone. He has brought people together and made them happy. We can all be role models. Maybe not the President or Matt Harding, but how about the role model of your school or town.

Image by Alex Pardee

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