Saturday, August 29, 2009


Rory, An uncommon name. It comes from Irish and means Red King. Some days I wish I were a King so I could banish anyone who called me Loly. Loly, such a girly name. I hate it! People who can’t say R’s say Loly. :) I do get called Loly and I have to put up with it. Rory is my name, and I love it because, no one has it and I hope not many more people will. It suits me. It’s different, it’s unique, and it’s me! Like magic people remember my name. Somehow it just gets stuck to people. People I don’t even know, say “Hey Rory” in the hall. My mom was going to name me Ryan. 9 months, I was “Hello Ryan, awe baby Ryan kicked.” But like magic my dad saved me. He is the superhero of my life. He thought of Rory and my mom liked it, I liked it, and my dad liked it. It was and is a perfect name. The only bad part was that I only knew Rory's that are girls. Everyone said it was a boy girl name and to not worry. Eventually I forgot this nonsense and looked at the good in my name. I found out that my name was like a Yin Yang thing like Good and Evil. Green is my last name and sounds smooth and natural and red is the meaning of Rory, which is fire and anger. The Good vs. Evil in my name makes a good balance in me. It says that I can be Good and Nice but can be Angry and Mean. Which hasn't kicked in yet! :) Rite now I'm not a king, not evil, I'm just nice Rory Green.


The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” by Don Williams, Jr. This quote inspired me from the minute I saw it. I have changed the words to create my title. This quote made me realize that any way you go there is always a different ending. Life is a journey and it always ends differently. No one can be the same as someone and no one can be the same as you. We are all different in our own special ways. We all have a purpose and we all have choices. Choices, they all end differently causing a different end. The Earth is our home and we have to make choices. These choices are very important and they hold the future ahead for us. No two directions are ever the same.